TuneFab Software Store

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Trusted by over 3 millions satisfied users from 180+ countries and regions around the globe

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Sales FAQs

Can I get a free trial version to test?

Yes. We do offer free trial version for all TuneFab users to fully evaluate the software. You can directly go to our official website to download and install the free trial program.

What's the difference between the trial version and the registered version of the program?

The free trial version will have limitations on using the software, which means that you cannot enjoy all the features of the product. For example, the free trial version of TuneFab Apple Music Converter only allows you to convert 3 minutes of each file while the registered version will let you convert the whole song completely. If you want to enjoy all the features of our product, please go get the full version.

How can I pay for my order?

You can pay for your order via computer or mobile phone. And we accept different types of payment: PayPal, Visa, Mater Card, etc.

Is my order secure?

This online ordering is 100% secure! All data exchanged during the payment process is SSL-secured. All your order information is 100% safe.

Is there any additional fee?

No, there are no hidden fees on your TuneFab bill. But if you purchase the program from outside the UK or from other EC member states, then VAT tax will be charged accordingly by https://order.shareit.com.

When and how can I get the purchased program?

The software delivery is electronic only. You can download the software at any time from the TuneFab website home page or product page, while the license key will be sent to you by email.

When the purchase is done, you will receive an email from us within 30 minutes. In that email, you will find the detailed order information and your activation code. If you have not received the email from us for 24 hours, please contact our support team via email. As for downloading the software, you can directly go to TuneFab's official website to download the program.

If I am an existing customer, can I get a discount for purchasing other TuneFab products?

Yes, of course. If you are an existing customer, we can offer you a 30% discount for purchasing other TuneFab products (Single License Only).

I bought the wrong product by mistake. Can I exchange it for the correct one?

If you have purchased the wrong program, please contact TuneFab support team immediately. We can directly exchange the product for you.

How can I check my order info online?

If you need help with the order you placed and want to get the detail information, please go to this website: https://www.mycommerce.com/shopper-support/ to check more details. Simply by entering your email address and order number, you will be able to find out any detail you want.

What's your refund policy?

Please read our refund policy carefully before purchasing our products. You can go to this page to read more about our refund policy: https://video.tunefab.com/refund-policy/